God - Creator of the universe and central figure throughout the Bible.
Adam and Eve - The first humans, representing the beginning of humanity and the Fall.
Noah - Builder of the ark and survivor of the Great Flood.
Abraham - Father of faith and patriarch of Israel.
Sarah - Wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac.
Isaac - Son of Abraham, continuing the covenant.
Jacob (Israel) - Father of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Joseph - Jacob's son, known for his rise to power in Egypt.
Moses - Deliverer of the Israelites and giver of the Law (Ten Commandments).
Aaron - Moses' brother and first high priest of Israel.
Joshua - Successor of Moses who led the Israelites into the Promised Land.
Samuel - Prophet and last judge of Israel.
David - King of Israel, known for defeating Goliath and writing many Psalms.
Solomon - David's son, known for his wisdom and building the first Temple.
Elijah - Prophet known for his miracles and opposition to idol worship.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel - Major prophets who spoke on behalf of God.
Ruth - A Moabite woman, known for her loyalty and lineage to King David.
Esther - Jewish queen who saved her people in Persia.
Job - Known for his faithfulness despite suffering.
New Testament:
Jesus Christ - The Messiah, central figure of Christianity, Son of God, and Savior of humanity.
Mary - Mother of Jesus, revered for her obedience and faith.
Joseph - Earthly father of Jesus, a righteous man.
John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus, preaching repentance and baptizing Him.
The Twelve Apostles:
Peter, James (son of Zebedee), John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot (later replaced by Matthias).
Paul (Saul of Tarsus) - Apostle to the Gentiles and author of many New Testament letters.
Mary Magdalene - Follower of Jesus and first to witness His resurrection.
Pontius Pilate - Roman governor who authorized Jesus' crucifixion.
Judas Iscariot - Disciple who betrayed Jesus.
Stephen - First Christian martyr.
Timothy and Titus - Disciples of Paul, leaders in the early church.
John (the Evangelist) - Apostle and writer of the Gospel of John, Revelation, and epistles.